41.  Cynics predicted that Salonen's hiring six years ago would allow a veteran operative to work his will on an inexperienced music director.

42.  Despite efforts to hire more, California schools have fewer per student than any other state, with just one for every 1,182 students.

43.  Democrats prefer to spend the money on specific programs or initiatives, such as school construction or hiring more teachers.

44.  Democrats rallied behind President Clinton's call to hire 100,000 new teachers, and Republicans also talked about reducing class sizes.

45.  Democrats strongly supported the concept that the federal government should hire and train employees to screen passengers and baggage before they board airplanes.

46.  Democrats were less worried about defections, since the agreement contains an increase in education funding earmarked for hiring new teachers.

47.  Despite hiring a longtime casino company expert, Disney officials insisted that it has no plans to enter the gambling business except, perhaps, on cruise ships.

48.  Despite his efforts to change the bureau's culture, for example, many black agents remain critical of what they regard as the slow pace of minority hiring.

49.  Despite his success, earlier this season, a majority of callers on a radio poll wanted to fire Seifert and hire Jimmy Johnson.

50.  Denis said he was receiving death threats from workers hired by the military junta who are angered that they were dismissed upon Aristide's return.

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