41.  Although Ilitch regularly attends games at Joe Louis, he doesn't take the People Mover.

42.  Anyone attending the June 16 game will receive a Metrocard worth $1.50, a single subway or bus fare.

43.  Despite receiving some publicity in local newspapers, they were surprised when about 300 people attended, including many men.

44.  CYBERJOURNALISM, THE NEXT CHAPTER "What's next?" was the mood of those attending a conference on interactive newspapers.

45.  Despite support from the ministers who attended Wednesday's meeting, many clergy are wary of increased government funding for religious social-service programs.

46.  Cyclists from 42 states are expected to attend.

47.  Cynthia Hanson, columnist for Cosmopolitan, explores the world of seatfillers _ civilians recruited to attend televised special events so that auditoriums look packed.

48.  Despite that, Menino and Evans said they have received intelligence that some who plan to attend do not share their point of view.

49.  Despite the close vote, the Democrats' selection of their leaders lacked the drama that will attend Republicans' leadership contest Wednesday.

50.  Democrats were wasting taxpayer dollars by not attending the hearing, he said.

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