31.  Departures are always on Saturdays and return trips must be made Sunday, Monday or Tuesday.

32.  Departures are initially scheduled for Fridays and Mondays.

33.  Desmond Howard was due in Disney World Monday.

34.  Desmond met Desmond on Monday -- a lucky occurrence because namesakes don't always get to meet, especially when one is as famous as the archbishop from South Africa.

35.  Desormeaux rode four other winners Monday to finish with 89, topping Gary Stevens by 18.

36.  Delays in new economic policy announcements from the government also made investors nervous on Monday, as did the resignation of Argentina's undersecretary of finance.

37.  Cumberland, who spent Monday at his parents' home in Maine, returned to Boston Tuesday but did not return a phone call from the Globe.

38.  Cunanan, who remained at large on Monday, may be eluding authorities by impersonating a female, the FBI said.

39.  Cunningham, who testified before the Appropriations Committee on Monday, provided written testimony outlining the disclosure changes but they were not discussed at the meeting.

40.  --Depressing airport sign greeting weary passengers trying to escape from Atlanta Monday: "It's been fun!

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