31.  As a campaign platform, it might not appear riveting.

32.  As a capper, Ms. Bartoli appeared the next day at a record signing at the Tower Records store near Lincoln Center.

33.  Designs ordered here will appear in stores about three to six months from now.

34.  Desperate as the nation's condition might appear, virtually nobody is writing Lukashenko off.

35.  Desperate to appear connected to current events and a part of a society, they sacrificed other household goods to buy televisions and radios.

36.  Delegates appeared transfixed as Lieberman humbly thanked the country for his latest opportunity.

37.  Cunningham appeared ecstatic with Faulkner's selection Tuesday, calling it "a great day for Texas, if not for America."

38.  Cuomo appeared regularly on radio during his 12 years as governor.

39.  Depressed and despondent by the original diagnosis, Galarraga appeared buoyant and happy during the team's five-minute visit.

40.  Depths and shadows began to appear.

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