21.  As a Cub Scout one year, he had the honor of reading Longfellow's famous poem about the ride.

22.  As a defenseman, you want to read the play but you can make people make bad plays by forcing them in areas.

23.  Despite all the scare stories you've read, protecting yourself from viruses has generally been easy.

24.  Curl offers for free the software that computer users need to be able to read Curl-powered pages and that developers need to write content in Curl.

25.  Current fishing regulations also are available to be read or downloaded.

26.  Current labeling varies considerably from product to product, is often laced with legalistic prose and is difficult to read, particularly for the elderly.

27.  Currently reading: "Life After God" by Douglas Copeland.

28.  Currently reading: "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen.

29.  Currently, a person who buys a book or CD can read it over and over again or loan it to friends.

30.  Currently, checkout scanners read bar codes printed on an item's box or label.

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