21.  Despite those setbacks, the gay conversion movement began to grow, as men and women from deeply religious homes came seeking to transform themselves.

22.  DREYFUS SEEKS A REBOUND In an assertive new ad campaign, the Dreyfus mutual fund company's lion comes roaring back to life.

23.  During the show he came running down the street to tell us the monkeys were purple!

24.  Each day comes bearing gifts; all you need do in 1994 is untie the ribbons.

25.  Each time, we scaled our kitchen table and gently poked the tarp upward with a broom handle so that water wouldn't collect and come cascading into our kitchen.

26.  Each year on Pearl Harbor Day, the memories of his subjects and his experiences come flooding back.

27.  Dispatches came hurtling in from the White House lawn, the Little Rock, Ark., courthouse, the president's entourage in Dakar, Senegal.

28.  During the referee's instructions, Tyson solemnly surveyed his flabby opponent and contemplated the violence that was about to come pouring out of him.

29.  Do people really come running to buy a coat for their true love on Valentine's Day?

30.  Dole still could come roaring back with a strong showing in South Carolina and then the Yankee Primary, and especially in Georgia, where Buchanan is strong.

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