11.  Beneath this wearisome book publishing melee lie some serious concerns.

12.  Lower-tech themes explore implied physical burdens and metaphors of wearisome tasks.

13.  Nen got his 21st save despite a wearisome ninth inning.

14.  On occasion, Koontz's literary gymnastics grow wearisome as he stretches simile and metaphor to the breaking point.

15.  Presidential politics, armed stand-offs with thuggish anarchists in the Montana wilds, and the grimness of Bosnian tragedies piled one on another are certainly wearisome.

16.  Popeo is starting the wearisome climb through the BBA hierarchy.

17.  Positive emotions are the most wearisome.

18.  Scott Zakarin, the person behind the wearisome web soap opera, The Spot (www.thespot.com), is Webstock's "Creative Producer."

19.  She looks forward to her night job, saying the frenzied atmosphere picks her up after a wearisome day.

20.  The bases were loaded, the potential tying run had reached base and Glavine had thrown a wearisome 22 pitches in the inning.

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