11.  Deutsche Telekom, which has considerable political influence, badly wants to complete the sale and reduce a heavy debt load.

12.  Dexter J. Kamilewicz never wants to win a class-action lawsuit again _ at least not when it costs him more than he wins.

13.  Detroit Newspapers, which manages the business functions of the two newspapers under a joint operating agreement, also wants to gain more control of distribution.

14.  Daniels, R-Chandler, originally wanted to make hazing a Class 6 felony at the urging of a friend from Winslow.

15.  Developing countries also want the United States to limit the use of "anti-dumping" laws.

16.  Diana and James Gale, meanwhile, wanted to adopt a Chinese baby.

17.  Davis also wants to spend an undisclosed amount to buy literature, not just textbooks, for school libraries.

18.  Deven simply wants to tape- record Nur reciting his poetry.

19.  Deven simply wants to tape-record Nur reciting his poetry.

20.  Dickinson desperately wanted to be published in her lifetime, although only a handful of poems made it into print before she died.

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