91.  As a member of a Commonwealth mediation effort, he visited Mandela three times in Pollsmoor prison outside Cape Town, South Africa, in 1986.

92.  As a military procurement officer, Choi was visiting northeast China to secure a contract to build an animal-feed plant in North Korea.

93.  As a new Giant in 1999, he learned about and visited pediatric patients at the Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine in Manhattan.

94.  As a peripatetic arts administrator with an interest in cultural institutions great and small, she visited rural string quartets and inner-city dance troupes.

95.  Details: Visit the Web site at http://www.mitsubishi.com.

96.  Detectives from the 1st Precinct, who were investigating the case, said Ms. Yuk was visiting the United States and Canada with a group of about 40 tourists.

97.  Dhanin regularly visited Deng Xiaoping, the late leader of China, and has relations with President Jiang Zemin and with the new Prime Minister, Zhu Rongji.

98.  Damian Peter is expecting a happier holiday season this year as he visits his older brothers, Christian and Jason, at the University of Nebraska this week.

99.  Dan Duquette was out of town with Mo Vaughn, visiting the past with Ted Williams.

100.  Dan Quayle, visiting Russia, says, "Democracy cannot be suppressed."

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