91.  As little as Meyer is contributing to the Mavericks, he's giving Yakima even less.

92.  Even the way he uses his body, he's automatically giving clear musical signals.

93.  Few observers are giving the 76ers a shot against the Lakers, who have won 19 straight, including 11 in the playoffs.

94.  Fellow literacy volunteers are giving him canned goods.

95.  Few people are giving Arkansas much chance of winning today's Cotton Bowl.

96.  Every day I am being given more and more work.

97.  Every participant in the conference is being given a hand-held computer, called the Davos Companion.

98.  Everybody else is giving it lip service."

99.  Everyone was giving interviews.

100.  Everyone was giving the Lakers the title, Barkley said then, even though they're not even the best team in their conference.

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