91.  Despite a rocky start, it wasn't long before he began to audition for a future position as Winston Cup king.

92.  Despite a year and a half of relentless campaigning by Gore, Daley said voters are only beginning to take in the election activity.

93.  Despite aggressive medical intervention, various organs in her body began to fail.

94.  Despite all the dangers, space weather watchers are anxious for the solar maximum to begin.

95.  Cuomo's aides are quick to note that the Westchester model so embraced by Pataki was begun during the Cuomo administration.

96.  Cup holders began showing up seven or eight years ago, said Alex Duron, sales manager for Gay Pontiac in Houston.

97.  Cup qualifying subsequently was postponed on Friday evening and moved to Saturday morning after water seeped through Turn 1 as the sun began to set.

98.  Cup rules, which are patterned loosely around the America's Cup, call for a series of trial races that begin in Newport, R.I. in August 1996.

99.  Curative's woes began last February, when it said that its 1999 sales growth would slow.

100.  Cured by surgery, Jones began buying horses again in 1996.

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