1.  Women can receive education and be accepted by schools and universities and women are able to work in most of the positions.

2.  Secondarily, in modern life, women receive the same education as men and also are competent enough to fill positions which were always taken by men in the past.

3.  If a man does well in his business, he would be successful, however, a woman would receive a good reputation if she manages her family properly.

4.  Only through work can women receive complete respect and feel that they are really treated equally.

5.  In many parts of today's world, women receive almost the same education and development as men do, which in return demands the same realization of their values.

6.  Some agree that there are no difficulties in communications between men and women, for men and women receive education together since a very young age, and the same cultural background makes the communication easier.

7.  As men's most important pet (because of women's ability to give birth to multiply human), women receive much better condition than dogs and cats.

8.  It's sure that women receive better education than they did 20 years ago, but take Japan for example, the number of full-time women workers has declined from 68.1% to 46.5% in the last two decades.

9.  They also found that women were receiving more promotions than men, but were not advancing as far in the organizational hierarchy.

10.  Instead, more and more women receive education and go to the job markets to find a variety of jobs.

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