1.  However, in China, white always represents unlucky, so white is often used in the funeral.

2.  However, in China and India , white represents peace , tranquility , and death .

3.  What's more, westerners prefer using white when they hEld a wedding ceremony because white represents pure and sacred.

4.  But in China white represents ominous things.

5.  For instance, white represents peace in China while it stands for power in Japan.

6.  In china , white represents something that is not wonderful, such as death and betray, while it means pure, hope and happiness in America.

7.  In western countries, white represents purity.

8.  For example , in western countries, the black represents darkness while the white represents the luminosity.

9.  Similarly, white stands for purity and nicety in most western countries while white represents infelicity as well as depression in China.

10.  On the opposite side, white represents purity and beautiful.

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