1.  Although they have a lot in common, we cannot just put them in a certain team without hesitation.

2.  Why don't we put aside those arguments about whether women are as good as men, considering how can these two parts cooperate well to make the world better?

3.  If a student fall in love with another one, they will not put their whole heart on study.

4.  When students falling in love, they cannot put the whole heart into study, but only to care what to select for their sweetheart .

5.  If they begin to care for someone, they can't put their whole hearts into study.

6.  In my opinion, we shouldn't put love in the first place.

7.  Without critical thinking, Einstein couldn't put up with the theory of relativity.

8.  Without doing the project, we cannot put the pieces of a giant map of ancient Rome back together.

9.  However, they can't put all the blame on men's wanting them to look like Cindy.

10.  Certainly, we can't put aside some special cases.

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