1.  They all performed extremely well in Math.

2.  In Sydney, she performed a Buddhist song Shenxiang in a factitious mysterious atmosphere right before dancing like a Maikosan with the help of a folding fan.

3.  Though it is a tough and it cost much time , we should perform the first step .

4.  At the age of nine, she performed strip dance in front of father.

5.  On the whole , we should perform proper acts which obey the law.

6.  If the government wants to put out a reform, which apparently will injure some ranks' well-being, the reform should also be performed as long as it has been demonstrated good for the most people of the society.

7.  So, how should we perform when facing these pressures?

8.  Female could perform as well as male.

9.  In this way, we should perform more deliberate practice to gather more experience.

10.  Such a maneuver was successfully performed with the French Spot-1 satellite, bringing its time to atmospheric re-entry down from a projected 200 years to about 15 years by lowering its perigee from 830 km (516 mi) to about 550 km (342 mi).

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