1.  Living in society, people, associated with each other, saying "Morning" and "Bye", can not live without association.

2.  Although Job is an unparalleled business man, Lauren never lives in the shadow of Job Steve.

3.  Everybody cannot live without communication, which is very essential to us in our daily life.

4.  As a matter of fact, they can't live up to the standard which they anticipate, so they turn to be disappointed about their appearance to varying degrees.

5.  As a result, they can't live up to their parents' expectation.

6.  In addition, Steve doesn't live someone else's life.

7.  We don't live to work.

8.  They can not live without man.

9.  We cannot live alone on the earth.

10.  We can't live without money in the world, so getting money means having the economic base to live independently in the world.

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