1.  Nowadays, the difficulty of communication between men and women is growing to be a bigger and bigger problem.

2.  Now at the age of 30, Langlang has grown to be the youngest shining star in piano field.

3.  Only when we know how to love others can we truly grow to be mature.

4.  However, when those boys and girls grow to be adults, social interaction in work and other aspects makes them close again.

5.  With the development of modern society, the Internet grows to be a must in our daily life gradually.

6.  Making the Internet grow to be your collaborator in your life and study, and live contentedly and healthily.

7.  In my opinion, I think the exploring of outer space worth is more significant for human society's growing, but that must make a large number of garbage if more and more spacecraft travel through space and they \

8.  Consequently, globalization may grow to be an irresistible trend in the future.

9.  The Europeans don't want their offspring to grow to be deformities.

10.  When we cut loose from the rigorous academic and say goodbye to our senior high school, we enter the college, which means we have grown to be an adult , assuming a heightened importance in our society.

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