1.  Furthermore, when talking, boys jump from topic to topic, while girls face each other directly.

2.  First, girls face each other directly , their eyes anchore on each other's faces.

3.  For this reason, girls face each other directly with their eyes anchoring on each other's faces.

4.  Girls faced each other while boys faced away.

5.  Firstly, when talking to their same-sex best friends, the girls faced each other directly, their eyes anchored on each other's faces.

6.  Girls face each other directly and anchored on other's faces when they communicate with others.

7.  For one thing, while talking and listening, girls face each other but boys always look elsewhere.

8.  Besides, when talking, girls face each other directly and tend to talk at length about one topic.

9.  The girls often face each other directly, with their eyes anchored on each other's face.

10.  Boys tend to sit at angles and glance at each other periodically while girls face each other directly, their eyes anchored on each other's faces over talk.

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