1.  A girl with maroon and curling hair carries a LV bag, trending on a pair of GUCCI and goes shopping twice a week.

2.  Though they may forget the words as soon as they succeed in the exam, they carry out their own l purpose.

3.  They also carry with them a desire for challenging the status quo.

4.  For another thing , beauty contests are usually carried out in a period time .

5.  When others are hesitating on the bold ideas, Steve Jobs is carrying them out.

6.  As a result, they can carry heavier burdens.

7.  For example, a man can carry three heavy bags in one time, while a woman is able to carry only one.

8.  In today's world, especially in China, people always carry heavy finacial burden.

9.  First of all, students' academic talents can carry them far, but in order to become scholars who can manage their own learning, students need to be self-motivated, engaged and disciplined.

10.  It carries a vast range of information resources and services with the compliment of the information superhighway.

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