1.  Further studies on elephant in Tanzania's Tarangire National Park, one of the best parks in Africa have been carried out.

2.  In the four Australian states koalas are found, different protective legislations have been carried out on state level to further enforce conservation efforts.

3.  As for the subprime crisis, many governments throughout the world have carried out a host of rescue packages involves spending or committing trillions of dollars in loans, asset purchases, guarantees, and direct spending.

4.  Recently, Stanford University's professor Marc Levoy together with his team has been carrying out the Digital Michelangelo Project.

5.  They haven't carried out the equal obligations as men.

6.  Many pathfinders have been carried to land on the moon and the Mars.

7.  These years, governments around the world have carried out large-scale space exploration plan.

8.  When it comes to fashion style, I have always been carried away by bohemia style.

9.  If there is a large quantity of people , you had better not carry your dog there lest it should hurt them.

10.  So in case the dogs should lose control and bite people around, dog lovers had better not carry their dogs to the public place.

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