1.  Love is so a wonderful thing that can bring us much happiness, which might beyond our expectation.

2.  During this time, I realize that it's Gussie's devotion and herself that helped my father go through the hardest time and \

3.  Without the knowledge to deal with the word, words are nothing, just like you have a large amount of money, but it is a pity that it can't bring happiness to you.

4.  But how can the sterile word-memorizing bring us the happiness of learning English?

5.  Therefore one the one hand, Clyde didn't forget to bring happiness to his lover even if he was ill.

6.  However, does telecommuting really bring happiness to those tired of the 9-to-5 rat race by changing to a better working environment?

7.  Beauty contests do bring people happiness, but it should not become more than that, which means not disturbing people's work, study or normal life.

8.  Some people prefer to be a viewer and in their point of view, such contests can bring them happiness while enjoying the beauty.

9.  Besides, the beauty brings happiness to them.

10.  In my opinion, these contests can bring people happiness in some degree.

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