1.  So backbone providers started making arrangements with each other, called "private peering".

2.  Nowadays, we call persons who study in one field deeply 'specials' and persons involved in several fields 'generalists'.

3.  For example, the honored mathematician called "chenjinrun" who donated his whole life in solving the GOLDBACH'S CONJECTURE.

4.  Maybe we call this kind of evolution organic evolution.

5.  So I call him'Mr.

6.  So I called the bookstore, taking it for granted that it would be solved well.

7.  More over, as globalization has created a major global systemic risk causing unpredicted changes in the eco-system, bio-medical technology and so on, sustainable development calls attention to both environmental and ethical nightmares.

8.  All day long they call charges most of the time in the network, to feel the virtual world to bring of pleasant sensation.

9.  For instance, a type of bird called wagtail feeds on fly eggs and small insects.

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