1.  Years ago, the mainstream has announced that women are good at liberal arts as well as taking care of others while men own better logical thinking than women.

2.  That announces the end of an era.

3.  We now can announce in certainty that the environment is always considerable, sometimes even decisive factor that influences the forming and the development of a nation's character, which can be reflected vividly from people's thinking methods.

4.  By 1966, the International Whaling Commission has announced these whales as protected animals.

5.  According to the USGS team's intensive analysis of both existed and new data, a direct relationship between the presence of Arctic sea ice and the survival and health of polar bears is announced.

6.  As far as I know, almost every political group announces that it represents the interests of their nation's citizens, including the governments and the anti\

7.  That is to say , if we find some clues where animals judge by themselves to get more benefits , we can announce that they do think.

8.  They announce that dogs and other pets carry bacteria and parasites that may do harm to human beings, and which is supported by scientific evidence .

9.  In fact, today, I'm announcing that the Department of Energy is awarding nearly $2 billion in conditional commitments to two solar companies.

10.  However, some people like animal rights campaigners announce an end to the use of animals in experiments.

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