81.  One of my friends told me that he got some trouble in communicating with his girlfriend, for they just started talking with one subject and then had nothing to say, eventually remaining in silence.

82.  Keywords: size, motivation, management strategies\

83.  On critical thinking\

84.  However, the truth is, studying remains to be the most crucial task in college.

85.  That is partly why, despite the widespread press coverage, the number of companies with work-at-home programs or policy guidelines remains small.

86.  But Gussie tried her best to remain calm.

87.  An estimated 10 percent of today's workforce works from home and remains on the company payroll.

88.  In the materialistic , flashy environment the people remain to love and to be loved.

89.  But something remains to be changed.

90.  Futher more, without the learning atmosphere, how can students remain positive in their study is a problem on the agenda.

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