81.  He and his "Apple" series have given so many surprises and amazement to the world that our everyday lives have been made much more colorful by them.

82.  By the way , the advantages of linguistic give women another comprehension which is contrary to men.

83.  All of these give us a direction.

84.  This will give them the advantage of time and experience they need to fit better into the new environment, which of course, prepares them for the chance of immigration they might choose in the future.

85.  I can also give you another example.

86.  In my opinion, to begin with, the beauty contests give us enjoyment of beauty.

87.  In my point of view, the very beauty contests with inspiring soul can really give us a good example of what outer and inner beauty is about.

88.  Not understanding cultures may give rise to embarrassment.

89.  To my mind, Beauty Contest gives chances to young girls to realize their dreams.

90.  Falling in love , actually , give us much in aspects like communication , patience , willpower , and the sense of responsibility .

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