81.  Second, such animals experiments are unnecesssary cruel, and could be replaced with more human and up-to-date methods of testing news drugs and genetic theories.

82.  On top of that, animal testing helps experts make sure how much to put the drug into human beings and what dosage should be injected.

83.  Some used to be addicted to drugs, or was adopted or raised up by a single parent.

84.  First and foremost, there is not a single drug used in world today that was not tested on animals.

85.  Since no one wants to be tested, in order to work out the side effect of the drugs, scientists have to conduct animal experiments.

86.  Some animal rights campaigners argue that such experiments are unnecessarily cruel, and could be replaced with more humane and up-to-date methods of testing new drugs and genetic theories.

87.  What's more, each new drug has to be tested in animals before they come into use.

88.  The use of animals in research helps to accelerate the use of new drugs.

89.  However, every year, millions of animals undergo painful suffering or death as a result of scientific research into the effects of drugs, food additives, cosmetics and other chemical products.

90.  First, animal testing allow scientists to test and create new drugs.

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