61.  The other one is that men are more capable than women so men take on the tougher responsibility.

62.  Although between men and women there exits physical differences, which nobody could neglect, it adds nothing to the statement that men are more capable than women.

63.  People have no reason to stereotype that women should do this work and men should do others, because there is no evidence to prove men or women have absolute higher ability than the other one.

64.  As we all know, men is stronger than women, which lead to social division of labor.

65.  In this case, men take more burden of subsistence, as a result of which, men get higher status while women, weaker than men, cannot contribution too much.

66.  Men and women play different roles, in the meanwhile, the boundaries is vaguer than ever before.

67.  However, when it comes to family affairs, women are definitely more suitable than men.

68.  Physically, a big proportion of men are taller and stronger than women.

69.  Women's hands are smaller than men.

70.  I have been learning English for more than 10 years since I was a young boy, but even now, I just a learner, not a master.

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