61.  Faced with market failure, the government should do their best to take efficient measures, but in order to do well, they should know how and when to intervene.

62.  At present, a lot of parents take care of almost everything about their children and do their best to help complete those things.

63.  Furthermore We should do our best to make a stranger feel at home no matter where he happens to be.

64.  What's more, you should do your best to make a stranger feel at home, no matter where he happens to be.

65.  Then if I were a superman, I would do my best to solve these problems.

66.  So I will do my best to make them happy, and I can't stand anyone even my wife be impolite to my parents.

67.  It will lead to a big social problem, so we should think about it and do our best to solve it.

68.  Why do weightlifters do their best in blue gyms?

69.  As a student, we do our best to make full use of these advantages, develop our potential, as far as possible, learn more knowledge and improve our ability.

70.  ", I will do my best so that in no way can time escape.

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