51.  Firstly , I will spend some time in remembering words every day which can make me understand all kinds of articles.

52.  This kind of education seems to be more about physical features than tradition, since male are born to be hunters from ancient times.

53.  They learn all kinds of knowledge, learn how to live by themselves and also learn how to love.

54.  Meanwhile, others should also respect some men who want to take the job of a housewife because they have right to choose their own life and every kind of job is significant.

55.  We need different kinds of people in our common life; some can cook delicious food while some others can design high building.

56.  Every kind of people have their own meanings that in our common life they are all helpful.

57.  However, this kind of stereotypes tends to change as time goes by.

58.  If we really don't need to discriminate men and women, nature must drop it in the long history and only preserve one kind of human.

59.  Perhaps this is the so-called one kind of fate.

60.  In the near future, maybe English become a kind of tool that is common, not a kind of my burden.

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