41.  Teachers should give a chance to students to open their mind and emphases continue to be placed on promoting their critical thinking.

42.  Finally, the poems were placed in the vault of the library.

43.  To deal with the problems, we should place more emphasis on proper use of the Internet.

44.  I delivered them to the curator of the collection of Frost's papers and requested him to place the notes in the vault, fearing that Frost might get angry.

45.  But one day Frost found the notes, read them, placed them back and left.

46.  Then the notes be wrapped and placed in the vault.

47.  Then I delivered them to Charles, requesting it be wrapped in heavy paper, tied with string and placed in the vault .

48.  Many people gradually start not to work in their normal workplace which is taken placed by homes or any place they like.

49.  They argue that love will place a\

50.  It's also important that you place your own feeling about the situation aside.

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