41.  I want to emphasize that all jobs must be open for both men and women, but take the one which is most fit for yourself.

42.  For these stereotyping, I would like to say those must still be undereducated to agree with these ridiculous thoughts which can be dated back to primitive eras.

43.  There must be something that only men can do, on the contrary, so does it.

44.  For a human being to lead a total life, he or she must have both forms of energy: the power of strength and the power of subtlety; the power of giving and the power of receiving.

45.  In such a situation, the two parties must be comfortable with the arrangement and they must respect each other and help each other along.

46.  If a person only has the typical characteristics of men or women, he or she must be isolated and uncompleted because a perfect one would try to cultivate all the brilliant characteristics belonging to the entire human beings.

47.  Many occupations seldom employ women, while some other occupations must be taken by women.

48.  My answer must be "yes".

49.  If you want to go abroad, or take up advanced studies, or even answer a foreigner's simple question when you walk on a street, you must use English.

50.  Our teacher will give us a variety of reading materials and all-round training, so I must do my best to follow her.

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