31.  Someday, she went to visit him, because he pressed her to visit him.

32.  Their discussions usually ended with Clyde pressing her to visit.

33.  In spite of urgent demand , Gussielee denied visiting .

34.  so , Gussielee decided to visit him .

35.  They began to talk on the phone, and two years later, Gussie finally visited my father, Clyde, in Spur.

36.  Two years later, Gussie came back to Spur and visited Clyde.

37.  When I visited them a year after the surgery, I saw they sitting side by side in their recliners, holding hands.

38.  Finally, Gussie decided to visit Clyde .

39.  They kept in touch with each other on the phone, \

40.  Finally, Gussie decided to visit Clyde .

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