31.  Taking the history of Chinese family-patterns into consideration, once men was the only source of income and dominated in every aspect of family issues, then women held up half the sky after the funding of New China.

32.  Then they could only be "doormats".

33.  Then, should men and women play different roles in life?

34.  Then naturally, men and women would be engaged in different professions in life.

35.  If one says that women should stay at home, taking charge of the housework and attending to the children, then I dare say that typical examples of men good at housework are not rare nowadays in our society.

36.  Then, does it mean that man and woman should play different roles in society?

37.  Then, men have to find a way feeding the family, hunting food and provide their securities.

38.  Then our passion is attenuated by tremenous number of vocabularies ang phrases.

39.  Never think that we have learned English at university , then at the graduate level we can be ignored in English.

40.  Then human beings went into the patrilineal society and women finally lost their ascendancy in social life.

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