31.  Do not let anything stop you making process!

32.  But as long as the boundaries exist, prejudice and conflict will not stop, such as the Indian reservation.

33.  Never care about the boring piano classes, the endless homework, the needs, the must, the tomorrow's life, and just stop you tired steps to join a party, drinking and shouting, talking to you best friends and listening to them.

34.  Nobody will stop us from doing so.

35.  These differences never stop the development of our country.

36.  It is surprising that , up to now, I have accomplished it proudly, so I can't stop but recall the initial memory about the college life.

37.  Moreover, in my observation students whose first goal is to memorize vocabulary by translating and memorizing long lists of test words tend to stop there--for whatever reason.

38.  Under some circumstances through hours of memorizing, words on the book would all just seems like meaningless symbols to you, but it just shows that you have really been concentrating on the infinite combination of letters and it's time for you to have a rest or stop.

39.  What this means is that increasing your vocabulary should be a life long journey, and it shouldn't be something that you stop just because you graduate from high school or even college.

40.  However, such way of communication didn't stop their love.

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