31.  But if we learn them by reading, we can avoid this serious problem.

32.  This is an effective way to get closer to the real English as well as avoid something like 'Chinglish'.

33.  This classic work contains too many bad words that we should avoid using.

34.  Reading creates the English occasions to help readers understand and learn how to use the word, Our brains tend to combine images and words together to avoid forgetting the words easily .

35.  Avoiding language mix ups\

36.  Second, reading books and other reading materials can avoid above-mentioned problems.

37.  She found many classes boring, students doing as little as necessary to pass tests and get good grades, students using ruses to avoid assignments, and students manipulating teachers to do the work for them.

38.  My fellow Americans, as we look back at this remarkable century, we may ask, can we hope not just to follow, but even to surpass the achievements of the 20th century in America and to avoid the awful bloodshed that stained its legacy?

39.  In my point of view, on one hand , since we have known that boys and girls have difference in communicative ways, we can avoid misunderstandings and improve our relationships with the opposite sex.

40.  Communication: An Important Way to Success\

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