21.  What's more, men commonly think of themselves average looking.

22.  In contrast, men think it is pointless and demeaning.

23.  Most men think of themselves as average-looking, while most women have low self-esteem on their appearances.

24.  Most men think themselves as average-looking, but women always think their appearance as "not good enough".

25.  Women are obsessed with trying to look like Cindy Crawford but men think it is reasonable to be existed as average-looking guys.

26.  For example, when faced with a big challenge, men will first think about how to overcome it instead of feeling very depressed, which is some women's action.

27.  Most men think of themselves as average-looking, whereas most women tend to feel not content with their appearance.

28.  But men think make-up is pointless and demeaning.

29.  Most men think of themselves as average-looking, whereas most women tend to feel not content with their appearance.

30.  But men think make-up is pointless and demanding.

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