11.  Obviously, men never think of themselves having big bosom only if it is a lump of muscle.

12.  For example, men think that they are supposed to fight in society while women in majority think that they can do a better job at home taking good care of their children , doing housework , etc.

13.  Most men think of \

14.  Most men think of themselves as average-looking while women think about their looks as "not good enough".

15.  Firstly, men think their average-looking is fine and they do not focus on how they look.

16.  However, men think this task is pointless and demeaning.

17.  Most men think of themselves as average-looking, while most women believe that they are not good enough.

18.  But most men think of themselves as average-looking.

19.  Besides, most men think of themselves as average looking.

20.  So, many women are crazy about applying cosmetics to their face, while most men think that this task is pointless and demeaning.

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