11.  I decided to keep away from Marco in the future days.

12.  And in university campus, when students decide their majors, they pay little attention to other subjects.

13.  The difference in body and mind between men and women decides their disparate roles in the family and society.

14.  On the other hand, it is characteristics and capabilities that decide a person's role rather than genders.

15.  We have to take into consideration of their personalities and abilities and decide which role they are better at playing.

16.  However, employers can't take sexuality as the only criteria when deciding whether to accept an employee or not.

17.  Men can decide everything either inside or outside home because they work to support the whole family, while women are always busy with their housework and are supposed to have fewer ideas.

18.  In such an advanced society, it is getting harder and harder to decide which roles should men and women play, considering the obscured criteria.

19.  Finally, it is up to themselves to decide which role they will play.

20.  Now, I am in a new school, a new environment, a new semester, I decide to study hard .

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