91.  The exploration of Mars has come at a considerable financial cost with roughly two-thirds of all spacecraft destined for Mars failing before completing their missions, with some failing before they even begin.

92.  Because of the innovation of computer , the world has come into a time of information.

93.  More than anything you have come to college to become a well educated individual who is ready to tackle the world.

94.  Now, however, the whole issue of animal experimentation and testing has really come under attack within the past few decades, and not just by animal rights activists either, but by an ever-growing group of people in the medical and scientific community at large.

95.  After that, the age of computer has come.

96.  Now, the dream has come true.

97.  While part of this alienation has come from nature of living a commuter life at a primarily live-in campus, much of it has come from decisions that he has made to isolate himself from any sense of a campus life.

98.  It's a pity that experienced people come first in almost all kinds of work, neglecting the fact that if given enough time, everyone can be experienced.

99.  Now, my dream has come true.

100.  Everything you've worked for during your college career has come to fruition.

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