1.  The school has been shut because the damage is so bad.

2.  School is shut because of snow but work is open.

3.  Schools shut down playgrounds, one by one up the valley, as the smog rises.

4.  Schools were shut, and Ottawa International Airport was forced to cancel most flights.

5.  Still, the school might be shut down soon, for a reason not often cited these days.

6.  A winter storm battered Jordan, Israel, Lebanon and Syria on Thursday, leaving travelers snowbound, shutting schools and flooding homes.

7.  A snowstorm swept across Jordan, stranding motorists, cutting power lines, shutting schools and delaying international flights in the desert kingdom.

8.  But there was considerable friction, especially in the early years, when the government expelled foreign priests, shut religious schools, and confiscated some church property.

9.  Choking smog and hazardous pollution levels kept schools shut in a Malaysian area of Borneo for the sixth consecutive day, news reports said Tuesday.

10.  Electricity was knocked out for nearly the entire island and the airport and schools were shut down indefinitely.

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