1.  In Britain, questions have been raised over the impartiality of the regulatory authority.

2.  Questions were raised over the fabrication of evidence.

3.  But he said questions might be raised over whether the explosive bolts might someday be used to help eject nuclear warheads from a missile.

4.  In recent years, however, questions have been raised over the wisdom of preserving the current wage-determining system in the civil service.

5.  In their last two, they retired the side in order once in seven innings, raising questions over a shorter recovery period between starts.

6.  Questions have been raised over whether the INS has enough agents to investigate violations a tracking system might reveal.

7.  Questions may be raised over flashbacks and relationships involving children, although these are handled with the utmost good sense and humor.

8.  Some questions have been raised over the past few months about the conduct of Texas Tech basketball coach James Dickey and his program.

9.  Yet questions are being raised over where, and under what circumstances, U.S. forces should be used.

10.  Questions were also raised over the chain of command.

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