81.  Both sides made various concessions, but neither would back down on the crucial points.

82.  Both, in their various ways, provide the sort of information which is of real value to practitioners.

83.  Buckingham used his Takamine for a lot of the acoustic parts, but various electrics and other acoustic guitars were also employed.

84.  Burglars use various methods to gain entry to houses.

85.  But even wind power, as heated debates at various public enquiries have revealed, is not without its critics.

86.  But he is also exploring various tax reforms that would reduce rates and simplify the system.

87.  But how could we ensure that complexity and mystery were the only qualitative differences between the various skylines?

88.  But in his search he could find only pieces of various techniques to improve quality and productivity.

89.  But individual nations also have recourse to the selective use of various devices for bending the rules of international free trade.

90.  But it did not work at all well for the degenerative diseases such as cancer, lupus, or various heart conditions.

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