81.  Pressed by declining profits and ballooning expenses at home, Hollywood has shifted production abroad, particularly the production of low-budget movies made for television.

82.  Rexall Sundown Inc. plans to close an Idaho vitamin manufacturing plant and will shift production to its Boca Raton and Deerfield Beach facilities.

83.  Renault, overriding protests from the Belgian government, decided to close the plant and shift production to Spain and France in order to save money.

84.  Since the models will be built on a Camry platform, Toyota is considering shifting some production to the complex, Okuda said.

85.  Starting in March, however, Toyota shifted all production of the truck to its U.S. factories.

86.  Some companies have shifted production from Singapore to Malaysia to take advantage of lower labor and business costs there.

87.  That has also led Japanese electronics makers throughout Asia to shift production back to Japan, said Kazutaka Kirishima, an economist at Sumitomo Life Research Institute.

88.  Textile companies like Hugo Boss shifted production to low-wage countries in Eastern Europe and Asia.

89.  The arrangement will provide added capacity and flexibility to shift production between the plants to match changing demands.

90.  The bigger companies apply this pressure by shifting some production to lower-cost states.

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