81.  Accident and school roll data have been analysed to identify those schools which have high casualty rates per head of school roll.

82.  Accordingly, peer interactions are of particular cognitive importance from the time the child enters school.

83.  Accordingly, they had planned to stay until the new school term began.

84.  Active learning, doing real things, being real scientists, these things typify classroom and school communities that work.

85.  Actually, I had offers on leaving law school from the most prominent New York firms.

86.  Additionally, many students have brought with them to school the chaos that surrounds their life outside school.

87.  Administrators can require student groups to obey a variety of reasonable regulations governing the equitable and responsible use of school facilities.

88.  Admission is free for school parties.

89.  Admittedly I was on the Costa del Sol at a private international school and not in the capital.

90.  After a while my hands smelled like an old-time Catholic school lunch room on a hot Friday.

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