81.  Also, it will enable you to amend your plan more easily in the air when actual conditions May differ.

82.  Also, there are clear benefits from bringing proposed actions together in a formal strategic analysis and long-term financial plan.

83.  Although her plan to import earnest and intelligent women failed, she did learn how to work the land.

84.  Although I had precise engineering plans I nevertheless measured and remeasured the space.

85.  Although it saved them substantial costs, these cases were not exactly searing moral victories for the healthcare plans.

86.  Although the kangaroo has a fast turn of speed on the plan, he is handicapped when climbing trees.

87.  Although we have approved desegregation plans involving magnet schools of this conventional definition, the District Court found this insufficient.

88.  Always have a backup plan.

89.  Always have a plan B in case your original choice becomes impractical for any reason.

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