81.  Even so, some investors and analysts are concerned that a stronger economy will prevent the Fed from lowering rates this month, or even this year.

82.  Failure to reach a balanced budget would certainly push up long-term interest rates, making the Fed look out of synch having just lowered short-term rates.

83.  Expectations that the Bundesbank will lower rates hurt the mark against other European currencies as well, traders said.

84.  Expectations the Bundesbank may lower German rates are supporting the dollar, traders said.

85.  Even if the Bundesbank stands pat at this meeting, though, many traders say they expect it will lower rates soon.

86.  Even if the Fed does lower rates next month, many traders already have discounted an economic rebound.

87.  Fed policymakers next meet a week from today and most analysts expect they will refrain from lowering rates further at that session.

88.  Fewer people out of work suggests the economy is gaining momentum, making it less likely the Federal Reserve will lower rates.

89.  Fresh signs the economy is slowing added to speculation that the Fed will lower rates when its policy-making committee meets in early July.

90.  Gaffney predicted that voters would support the Pataki plan as the best and only means available to lower electric rates.

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