81.  This splendid book on the fast moving air transport industry will be a useful update for the student seeking the right background to discuss the issues of the time.

82.  Although no colleges or universities appear to have devised campuswide standards or guidelines, professors and departments are discussing the issue and formulating ideas on how to proceed.

83.  Along with Telefonica, representatives of Terra Networks and Bertelsmann declined to discuss the issue.

84.  Although she tends to be exceedingly cautious in discussing tough issues, she has made only a few errors to date.

85.  An advisory committee is scheduled to discuss the issue next month and could then send it to the general conference for consideration.

86.  American officials were poised to discuss the issue formally in talks in Beijing this week.

87.  Among observations about voters at that time was that no matter how much candidates tried to discuss the issues, voters tended to evaluate the candidates more as personalities.

88.  Among those who discussed the issue, defense attorneys were particularly harsh in their assessments.

89.  An unofficial group of private American military experts visited Beijing recently to discuss the issue with Chinese officials and scholars.

90.  An aide of the secretary-general, who is in Europe, relayed the letter to the Security Council, which will discuss the issue on Friday.

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