81.  And though Monica may lose her job and have to borrow rent money from her brother, Ross, she still has an expensive haircut and great makeup.

82.  And the authorities have made it easier for Brazilians to borrow money abroad.

83.  And, he was still using the maximum amount of leverage, or borrowed money, from Fidelity, his broker.

84.  Aninat called on people to borrow less money to finance consumer spending.

85.  Aninat called on poeple to borrow less money to finance consumer spending.

86.  Any rise in rates to forestall inflation also hurts stocks by making it more expensive for companies to borrow money and invest.

87.  Apparently short on cash, Clinton turned to White House aide Bruce Lindsey to borrow money, then headed out the door with a full shopping bag.

88.  Anyone who borrows money would gain.

89.  As competition heats up, the difference between the percentage at which banks lend and borrow money is shrinking, lowering their main source of income.

90.  As it stands, the town will have to borrow money next year to help cover operating costs.

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