71.  Nowhere is this more true than when it comes to setting rates.

72.  Previously, those rates were set by state regulators.

73.  Rates are set by the Federal Communications Commission.

74.  Rates are set by zones instead of meters, and nobody tried to gouge me.

75.  Ratings earned during February, May and November sweeps are used to set advertising rates for the next few months.

76.  Property tax rates are set by each municipal government, so Whitman cannot be held directly responsible.

77.  Rather than continuing to spread the extra cost among all drivers, including car owners, these insurers are starting to set rates accordingly.

78.  Rather than relying on Greenspan, he suggests allowing the market to set short-term rates, as it now sets long-term rates.

79.  Right now, government bodies generally set electric rates.

80.  Regulators set rates that allowed the utilities to recoup the cost of construction and a return on their investment.

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