71.  Commercial banks aresometimes preferred by sponsors seeking funds from the advising bank.

72.  Construction funds are being sought in Britain and abroad, since the design was considered too controversial to receive money from the National Lottery.

73.  German firms that used slave and forced labor sought the fund largely to receive protection from such class-action suits.

74.  Gesami said the ministry has asked the National Disaster Committee to seek donor funds to tide them over until the next appropriation in June.

75.  He is currently seeking funds to build a church where he lives in western Cambodia.

76.  He said he also would seek funds for clean coal technologies to use those reserves without ruining the environment.

77.  He said most financial controllers are looking at their balance sheets and seeking cheaper funds for finance their activities.

78.  He said he would seek a fund to indemnify the victims.

79.  He said the foundation was seeking funds to set up scholarships in honor of the emperor who introduced formal education to the country.

80.  He stressed that Malaysia has so far been able to avoid seeking funds to bail itself out, unlike other affected countries in East Asia.

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